Museo Arqueológico Municipal [Municipal Archaeological Museum]

This opened to the public in 1991 in El Lomo street, and is one of the foremost cultural centres in the north of Tenerife. It is located in a large, traditional Canary house from the XIXth Century in the harbour area , acquired and restored by the Town Council in 1981. In fact, its origins go back to 1953, the date of the creation of the Archaeological Museum of the Canary Institute of Hispanic Studies. Its collections include aboriginal pots and other utensils of considerable value, mummified guanche remains, XVIIth Century maps, butterfly collections, weapons, samples of timber from the Canary forests, etc. A great number of the collections were privately donated. The present exhibition recreates the habitat and customs of the Island’s aboriginal inhabitants. One of its treasures is Guatimac, a small, clay, guanche idol.